recover deleted facebook page

This Is How you Can Recover a Deleted Facebook Fan Page

If you accidentally deleted your Facebook Page and now you want to recover it back, then welcome to the solution presented in this post. I invite you stay relaxed and go through this post. There is a possible solution on how to recover a deleted Facebook page.

At the moment facebook provides an option to save the deleted pages for 14 days, with in this time period you have a chance to restore your deleted facebook fan page. This works because of facebooks delete the page only after 14 days policy.

Recover Deleted Facebook Page:

If your page is deleted mistakenly or by a bug/hacked, then fill this form:

Also contact the facebook support and get help to follow up your request.

Facebook fan page 14-day restoration option:

So, what if the 14 day period is elapsed?

Well now facebook will prompt an option to page admin for a confirmation asking to delete the page or restore it back. Here you have your last chance to restore your fan page.

After the 14 day time; if you didn’t notice or took the necessary steps then the page will be completely deleted. Well, So, you are in trouble because your page is permanently deleted.

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